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  • Do’s & Don’t for working of CartEmSoft

  • Send Batch Emails one at a time to a single group, for better delivery of emails.
  • Frequently check your prime email for Bounce Back emails and, get the list filtered as soon as possible.

  • Don't
  • Don't Use Deceptive Subject Lines: Your subject line must accurately reflect what's in the content of your email.
  • Don’t purchase your list or scrape websites for emails. It’s the easy way out and you will pay the consequences. Most of these lists have bad email addresses and include spam traps.
  • Don't use Misspellings, spammy words (buy now!, Free!) are big spam flags, as are ALL CAPS AND EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Every email contains a mandatory unsubscribe link - those individuals who try to remove this link will be warned that they are doing so. If the link is removed or de-activated in any way, Constant Contact will terminate the customer's account.
  • Don't use any sexually oriented material from your messages. The law requires such material be readily identified in the subject line. When "initially viewed," the message body should include only instructions on how to access the sexually oriented material